Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's Here!
Major Update coming...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Xbox 360 Indie Games
Review: Spider-Man Friend or Foe
In these times of economic struggle, my friends and I sometimes find ourselves looking for things to do on the cheap. A buddy of mine wanted to do a co-op game together, but without spending too much money. Looking through the local Best Buy we saw Spider-Man Friend or Foe at the $15 price point and it had 2 player local co-op. We decided to pick up despite the bad reviews and figured we could have some fun with it and in the end we were right.
Now don't get me wrong, this is far from a great game and it has lots of issues I will go over in a minute, but in the end we had a fun 2 player co-op brawler that didn't go on for too long and earned us some achievements along the way. The story is rather simple, there is some mind control aliens out there and if you beat the villains, they get angry that they were tricked so they help you. Makes no sense, and obviously made for kids, but what brawler has a good story anyway? This game is very similar to the Lego Star Wars games in the sense that you can go at it single player with an AI teammate, or 2 player co op and as you kill enemies you collect chips similar to how you collect Lego pieces. These chips are used to buy upgrades for your player. Spider-Man is obviously the main character so he has the most upgrades available and extra moves, but as you unlock the other teammates you can upgrade them as well. While fun to unlock more moves (and they do break up some of the monotony of the combat) a lot of times you stick with the basic moves. Unfortunately, a lot of the extra moves cannot be used on the larger enemies and bosses, which makes them somewhat pointless, which is a shame.
Some other negatives and that since this game is definitely made with kids in mind as the audience, it is definitely on the easy side. It seems they really took that Lego Star Wars copying even further with that, whereas you can't really “die” you just lose a few chips in which you can always earn more. There is also a lack of variety in the enemies (similar to how the 80s and 90s brawlers were made). They are mostly just color swaps to reflect the new location you are in, but their attacks and movements are all the same, even for the bigger guys. The only change in characters are the super-villains that you fight and later join you. The lack of variety there is made evident when you play as them though, as you will see how they have a lot of the same moves, even when it comes to the co-op double team moves. Some may say that the short completion time is a downside, but I can argue that it's longer than other brawlers and if it were much longer it could get even more monotonous. I find that the game is best played in short bursts anyway.
I played the Xbox 360 version, so I was able to get an easy 1000 points playing though this game. Most are just going through the game, with a few that you get for unlocking everyone and all their moves. They have other versions for other systems that are all the same game. I have not played them, but PS2 version is basically the same with graphics not as good (although the Xbox version isn't all that great to begin with) and obviously no achievements. The PS3 version is identical graphically but has no trophies since it was released before Sony implemented them and made them required for all games.
Bottom line: game is fun for kids, maybe to play with your kids or younger cousins, people looking for a fun semi-old school brawler, or achievement whores. If you fall into one or more of these categories, it's worth checking out for the bargain prices you can find it for. Amazon has it available for $20 for most systems, with the PC version being less than $13. You can go third party merchants to get it even cheaper. It is a poor-man's Lego Star Wars, but some fun can be had with it on the cheap.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Update - Tonight's Review Coming Soon
Post Vacation Update 2 - Movie Review: Midnight Meat Train
Midnight Meat Train Review 8-17-2009:
Midnight Meat Train came out during the Lionsgate higher-ups changeover and was just dumped in theaters with little promotion. For probably the only instance I can think of for a “major” release, it was actually premiered at many “dollar theaters” also known as the “second run theaters.” This was a major factor in it's poor opening weekend gross. I think the other factor... It sucked.
Post Vacation Update - Movie Review: Valkarie
Valkarie Review 8-17-2009:
The lastest from director Bryan Singer (and the 3rd to my count that deals at least partially with Nazis) is Valkarie which recently came out on DVD and Blu-Ray. Away on my vacation we were looking to rent a movie and this was one that everyone was looking forward to seeing. This review is based on the DVD since that is all we had access to while away, unfortunately I cannot comment on the qualities of the Blu-Ray version. In the end, I was the only one who really enjoyed it, with my fiancee being the 2nd best of it being "ok." This is not for everyone, especially for those looking for an action movie.
Valkarie is based on the real life events of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and his plan to take out Hitler and regain congrol of Germany. It was the last of 15 attempts on Hitler's life, and happened a mere 9 months before Hitler ultimate commited suidicide. I knew nothing of the events beforehand and I was gripped throughout the entire movie about what would happen next. I am sure some artistic liberties were taken with the story so I do not know how close it is to fact, but I know that it got me interested enough that I will seek out some documentaries on the subject to compare (and will update review accordingly). While the others I watched it with felt the movie dragged, I kept wanting to see what would happen next and I was just amazed to see what people would go through to try and stop someone ruling them so harshly. It was most interesting of all to see that not all Nazis were how we portray them here in the US, and I'm shocked that despite it being based on fact that more people didn't complain as they did with the John Cusak movie Max. In that movie it showed a young Adolf Hitler as a struggling artist, and since he was not shown as a monster, people were in an uproar. Maybe it was because it was not Hitler himself and the Nazis instead.
As mentioned before, this is not an action movie. While there are a couple scenes such as the opener where you see how Tom Cruise's character loses his hand and eye, it is more about plotting and setting up the effort to take him out. The actual scene involving the bombing, it was more about suspence than action. The movie is an even 2 hours and while others felt it dragged, I felt it went by quickly and so I have to say that if you're looking for a good drama depicting real life events that interest you, this is a great movie to watch. If you're expecting a Saving Private Ryan or something along those lines, you will not find it here. Tom Cruise gives a great performance no matter what you think of the guy and the directing by Singer is also top notch.
Watching the DVD on a standard TV with the TV speakers I have to say the image was very clear and the sound came through well and was mixed well. It did not have any of the typical "turn it up for dialogue, turn it down for action and music" that can be heard on other DVDs. Again, it was not my usual setup and I will try to rent the Blu-Ray in the future so I can really compare. Being a rental it was just the first disc which has no extras to speak of, but there is a 2 disc special edition available.
Fans of singer and war history give it a look, I really enjoyed it.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My First Contest
UPDATE 11:43 PM - Holy crap, I shouldn't underestimate all of you... we're over 700 now, which is awesome. The review update tonight is being delayed because my Wii is considered a new system and so I had to redownload all my Virtual Console and WiiWare titles, keeping me busy (otherwise I would have seen we hit 700 much soooner!!). I promise a review will be up tonight, just can't say when. So, now here is where the winning comes in.... First person to send me a message on AIM or XBox (again, it's XnocreativityX) will get the 1600 MS Points. I can either mail you the card or e-mail you the code, it's up to you but we can work those details out when I hear from you. Now don't let this stop you from checking my site or referring other people... This is only the beginning for this site and I will be doing plenty more contests.. Thanks again for everyone making this such a success.
Ok everyone, I talked about it before, so here it is: my first contest for the site. Traffic has slowed down while I was away, and I can't blame you all, since well, I said that there really wouldn't be any updates.... but I'm back, and the updates will resume. We are still way ahead of where I thought I'd be at this point, but I'm going to be greedy :) We are currently at 635 impressions, so let's try to get to 700! Start visiting more often (reviews will be posted later tonight), start telling your friends and get them to come as well. When we hit 700 I will post and the first person to contact me will get 1600 MS Points. If the winner does not have an Xbox 360 I can always do PSN, Wiipoints, or maybe an gift card, I'll figure it out when the time comes.
I'd also like for people to post comments more too, I haven't had too much activity there at all. Comment on my reviews and let me know what you think, comment on the contest and see if you like it or if you'd rather a different kind of contest. I want to build a good community so that I can start doing other features that are more community related.
Ok, that's it for now... keep visiting and spread the word, if we get to this fast enough I will do more contests more often :) Good luck!
I'm Back!
Just a reminder to everyone that I am XnocreativityX on AIM, Twitter, Steam, PSN, and Xbox Live and my Amazon Store is
Friday, August 14, 2009
Coming home soon!
Also of note, my Amazon Store is back up and running, so hop on over and check to see if there is anything you want there. Again, the address for it is and make sure to message me if you found it from this site so we can work out some deals such as free expedited shipping!
EDIT: I'll add a graphic soon, but for now, those interested in following me on Twitter can do so at I will post whenever there is an update on this site or my amazon store.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
To Simplify Things a Bit...
Video Game Reviews:
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (PS3) - This was my first review, and I do make mention of Xbox 360 and PC versions.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (XBLA) - This review is for the recent release for the Xbox 360. Will be updated when the PS3 version comes out.
Bit.Boy (WiiWare) - One of the worst games I've ever played, especially on WiiWare.
Samurai Warriors: State of War (PSP) - This is now available for download from the Playstation Store, and surprisingly enjoyable for fans of the series looking for something on the go once they get passed the differences from the console version.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Reshelled (XBLA) - The first time I got a review out on the day something was released, something I enjoyed quite a bit, especially multiplayer. Most other reviews seem to be rather negative and fans loving the original are not happy with the remake. Ah well, I'm just one man.
Movie Review:
Hatchet - Available on DVD and NetFlix Instant (how I watched it). My first movie review, more will follow.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Going on Vacation
I also want to thank everyone for making this a sucess. I planned on posting a "thank you" when I hit 150 hits.... I was at 120 yesterday and figured I'd keep an eye out to see when it went up, but to my surprise I just checked and it's up to 328!! This is so much more than I expected this soon, especially since I haven't had a chance to do much advertising. Look, I know it's still small numbers, but my site is small right now. I hope that I can get some of these updates and upgrades out soon enough so that number can keep growing. Keep that feedback coming!
I guess for those that may have questions as to HOW to contact me, you have my PSN ID as well as my Xbox Live Gamertag, feel free to add me. XnocreativityX is the name for both. Also, you can contact me on AIM at XnocreativityX, I always have that connected on my phone. You can also check out my Amazon Store at and contact me through there.
See you all when I get back!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Review: TMNT Turtles in Time (XBLA) 8-6-2009
TMNT Turtles in Time Reshelled (XBLA) Review 8-6-2009
“Ow, my toes!”
Just remember that quote, you'll be hearing it a lot if you play this game.
It is the 25th Anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so there is going to be all kinds of stuff Turtle related being released. First up is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Reshelled. WTF is that you ask? Well, TMNT: Turtles in Time was the sequel to the original TMNT The Arcade Game. It was based on the cartoon series that was on at the time, not the comics, although it did have a couple characters that were in the movie TMNT 2: The Secret of the Ooze. The original arcade game made it to XBLA so it was only a matter of time for the sequel to come out, especially since the original arcade game is still to this day one of the best selling XBLA games. This time though, instead of a port we are getting a full remade game.
Although Konami made the game original, Ubisoft are the current TMNT license holders and they had Ubisoft Singapore prepare this game. This was the first game this particular group worked on, but that's not a comment on the quality. I did not see Konami's name anywhere in the credits, so I'm guessing the remake was part of some sort of agreement they came to. They completely redid the graphics to be in fully 3D and you have a bit more control over what your character can do. It is still the basic 80s/early 90s arcade style brawler though. Move around, just, attack. It can also be played up to 4 player cooperatively. In the original game you could only attack in 4 directions (up, down, left, and right) but now you can do it in 8 directions, now including the diagonals. Other than that, the gameplay remains pretty much the same. Another change, and one that some fans may not be happy with, is the voices have all been redone as well. The classic cartoon voice actors are no longer in the game, and the results aren't very good. I am sure this is another legal issue, but it is still a shame to see (well, hear) happen. The music has been redone as well, and I have seen many posts online of people complaining of this concern, so if that is something you care about, you will not be happy. This is something that did not bother me at all, but felt since many complained I would post about it.
As with most games of that era, it is not a very long game, but you can expect a lot of cheap attacks and deaths. This was because their main purpose was to keep those kids pumping quarters in everytime they died so that they could keep playing. With this being a new version though, you no longer have unlimited continues as you would in the arcade (if you had enough quarters, that is). Now you start off with 6 lives and once they are out, that's it. If you are playing co-op and you lose all your lives, you do come back the next level if the rest of your team survive.
The 4 player mode can be done with any combination of players either on the same console or online. My time online was spent with friends of mine that I had invited to play and there did not seem to be any noticeable lag. There would be a lot going on at once at times, but if ever you lose where you are, you can just press the left trigger to locate your turtle. I played it 2 and 3 player, but not 4 player yet, but had a lot of fun each time, and I can still see myself enjoying playing it again and again. There is always the challenge of trying to get a better score than the last time or at least just laughing it up with some friends while you play together. Another nice feature that I was glad to see is the fact that right in game there is an option to press the X button and automatically invite all members of your Xbox Live Party to the game you have created. This made things a lot easier with a lot less menus to navigate. It would be nice if more games would use this since the Party feature has been available for quite some time now, and it's especially refreshing to see that it was an XBLA game supporting this.
At 800 MS Points ($10) this is steeper than most arcade classics on the system, but about on par with ones that get remade (such as Bionic Commando) so it is nice that they did not release it at their original intended price point of $1200 points ($15). You can beat the game in around a half hour or so, but it is a great game to play 1-4 players and can be played again and again if it is the kind of game you enjoy. Younger gamers, or people just more used to games with a bit more length, story, and depth may tire of it though. This is game 3 of the Summer of Arcade, so again, if you get every game, MS will give you 800 points. If you need more points, I have some in My Store at a discounted rate and can even e-mail you the code directly so you get the points right away (and I obviously will not charge for shipping then either).
I will update this review if I can get a hold of the original game again so I can give a better description of the differences. I also believe that there is a PSN version coming out, in which case I will also update for any differences between XBLA and PSN. Will also update on achivements/trophies.
My First Movie Review: Hatchet
I am going to make this one short and to the point. The tagline for this movie is “Old School American Horror.” What this line translates to is “80s style slasher movie.” If this means nothing to you, or you don't like what it means, do not bother with this movie. If that makes you happy, believe it, watch it, and enjoy it. Simple as that.
It's like most slashers of the 80s, starts off with the first half being for laughs and boobs, and then the 2nd half is a bunch of young people getting chased and picked off one by one. These deaths result in various types of gore effects. Watch it Unrated and see even more gore. Yes, there is a story, but it's not why you're watching it. Just watch it if you care.
You're also treated to nice cameos from Robert Englush (Freddy Krueger for those that don't know), Tony Todd (Candyman, various others), and an unmasked Kane Hodder (THE Jason) although he is the killer in makeup and prosthetics for the rest of the movie.
I also have to admit that part of my love for the movie too is that one of the characters is seen wearing a Newbury Comics shirt, which is a chain nearby where I live (mostly in Boston area).
Netflix has it available now Instantly, you can click here to see the page. It is no longer in HD as it was before, it is now a part of their “Starz Play” which is the usual lesser quality. If you don't know what I mean, most movies on Watch Instant are DVD quality (unless they are in HD, of course) and then the Starz Play movies are below that, with a more fuzzy and washed out look. It is the Unrated version. If you don't have NetFlix and you buy movies, it's available for less than $10 on Amazon.
A sequel is in the works, and I for one am greatly looking forward to it. Again, the bottom line, if you like slashers see it, if you don't, why are you still reading this review?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
PSP Review: Samurai Warriors: State of War 8-4-09
Samurai Warriors PSP review 8-4-2009
Why am I reviewing a game that is over 3 years old? Well, it was just released as a downloadable title on the Playstation Store a few weeks ago and that is when I picked it up. With the PSP Go on the horizon there are going to be many more games released for download, so expect to see games from different release points. The game is $14.99, roughly the same price as buying it new from a third-party seller on Amazon so it's not expensive. So how is the game on the PSP?
For those that don't know, Samurai Warriors is a spin-off series of the Dynasty Warriors series. While Dynasty Warriors took place in China, Samurai obviously takes place in Japan, but the games are pretty much the same. Mash buttons and kill lots of guys to build your guy up and go to another level where you mash buttons and kill lots of guys. Not a whole lot to it, and it hasn't really progressed much in the years since Dynasty Warriors 2 on the Playstation 2. For some this is good, for some it's bad. I can't speak for you, but personally I love the simplicity since it reminds me of the old-school brawler/hack-n-slash games of yesteryear.
Now I was just referring to the console games, on PSP it's a bit of a different story. Instead of just running around a massive level killing the guys, it is broken up into smaller sections as you take turns on an overhead map. I wouldn't consider this a turned based strategy game by any means, but that's what it feels like at first. After you move to your designated square you are given something along the lines of “kill as many guys as you can in 60 seconds” or “kill the Major.” Based on your performance in this bite sized battles you will earn a number of spaces you can move, much like rolling a higher number on a die in a board game. Do better, move further. This actually adds a bit of strategy to the game, and as I mentioned, makes it better for something you are playing on the go so you aren't stuck in the middle of a fight always whenever you may need to shut the game off. At first I hated this concept, but as I got used to it I learned to love it and found myself losing hours of my time unlocking more guys and leveling up my guys more and more. There are quite a few characters to unlock and there is both a story mode and a free mode. The story in the console versions was done through cut scenes, but this one is done through text only. I would knock points off for this if it weren't for the fact that I really just don't care about the story and end up skipping anyway. I want to get to the mass killing! Yes, I sound like a psychopath with that statement, but if you've ever played these games, you'd know what I mean.
Another aspect in the console versions that was great was doing 2 player co-op. Sadly, this is missing from this version of the game. I did not get to try out the multiplayer for myself as I do not know anyone else with the game and it does not support game sharing, but upon reading reviews on IGN and GameSpot it does not sound like I am missing much. It sounds like there is very little actual interaction between players and it's more like you are just playing at the same time trying to get a better score. Sounds boring to me, even if it does support 4 players.
Graphically this game was rather impressive to me for a PSP game. The “Warriors” games are not the best graphically, but they do pack a lot of guys on screen and keep things running smoothly. While there are not as many on screen in this version as the Xbox 360 version, that is to be expected due to the major difference in hardware power. The draw distance is also much shorter, but it's about what I expected from the PSP, especially a game that was released over 3 years ago.
My last complaint is the control. For the most part it works well, but there are times that your guy gets turned around and the camera doesn't swing around. There is no right analog stick on the PSP so there is no way to control it (some games let you use the d-pad if you're using the analog to control the guy, but in this game it let's you use both, so no camera control.). The only way to get the camera to swing around is to hit the block button (left shoulder button). This works ok for the most part, but when you're in the middle of a combo it will not work and that includes your special attack. What's worse is that sometimes the game acts like enemies do not exist if they are not shown on screen even if they show up on the map.
In the end, as I said before, I found myself really getting hooked on this game and playing for hours at a time and always wanting “one more battle” and “just level up just one more time.” Which is the sign of a game that is enjoyable, especially for the nice price of $14.99. Now once I've unlocked all the guys, beat the story mode with all of them, I can still play free mode for a bit but I will most likely be done with this game and want to move onto the next game, but that is still a long way away. I won't be able to sell it since it's a download, but I think I can live with that considering how much use I will get from it. Bottom line: don't let the change in gameplay scare you away if you're a fan of the series, try it out and have some smashy fun on the go.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Review: Bit.Boy
“That game was mostly a joke.”
“Too bad the joke was on us.”
This (short) conversation basically sums up how my friend and I felt about Bit.Boy after playing it. It is a game released on Nintendo's WiiWare service for 600 points ($6).... I want my $6 back.
The premise was cool enough, you are a creature from the 128-bit era (aka, now) and a monster from the 4-bit era uses a time machine to steal all your friends and bring them back with him. You have to go through levels in each generation of gaming to get all your friends back and get back home. There are 5 levels per “bit.” Each area does a good job of reproducing what made that generation identifiable. The 4-bit is basic colors and level design to take after something found on the original Atari 2600, then something you'd find on NES, then SNES, etc. It even goes so far as to have “long CD load times” for the 32-bit era. This last “feature” was funny at first, but gets really annoying when you have to do it for all 5 levels for the 32-bit era.
As for the actual gameplay though, it makes it tough actually wanting to get through each generation. To describe the gameplay easily, picture Pac-Man. Now picture having to only collect the power pellets and not each pellet. By this I don't mean to get to attack when collecting them, just that there are that few to get each level. That's right, you have to dodge enemies to rescue about 4 or 5 friends per level. That's it. You do have an attack that circles around you to kill enemies, and it is limited so you don't just mash it, but you barely have to use it. The game IS 2 player, which may sound like it would make it more fun, but instead it makes it worse since you can just split up and rescue twice as fast. I went through the entire game (long “load times” included) 2 player in about 30 minutes, if that. When doing 2 player and you attack it also has both players attack for some strange reason too. The other thing that makes it boring is that the gameplay does not change for each generation, it is the same boring gameplay, and just changes the way it looks. The only addition to the gameplay is when it becomes 128-bit they add motion control by flicking the controller up you can jump over logs. There are no bosses either, once you beat the last level of a generation it's just “hey, enter your initials on the high score board” and “game over” and you can choose to start the next generation. Very “wash, rinse, repeat.” Even after you beat the game, the credits have you play through the game all over again at a faster speeds with 999 lives and 999 attacks. The credits don't last long enough and it just loops until you get sick of it. We kept thinking that maybe, just maybe something would happen if you went through the whole game again. Luckily with the extra attacks and speed it did not take anywhere near as much time.
There are two choices for how you control the game. The one that they push for is the “joystick” method that has you hold the Wii remote vertically like you are holding an old joystick from the Atari 2600 and move it around that way. While this is a cool idea, and not one new to the Wii (Metal Slug Anthology comes to mind) it does not work particularly well and also does not make sense for any level other than the 4 bit ones. I had multiple issues where I'd be controlling it without issue, and then out of nowhere my guy would stop moving and it wouldn't start again until a random time afterwards. I tried positioning the controller in various ways to try to remedy this, but none seemed to work. This lead me to use control option #2, hold it like an NES controller. Just like the Virtual Console games, you hold it sideways, use the d-pad to move, and the 1 or 2 button to attack. This lead to the experience feeling even more bland since, as mentioned before, there is no motion control and no real excitement to the gameplay.
So the bottom line is don't waste your $6, it could be spent on something so much better on the WiiWare service, something that gives so much more replay value (to reiterate, this has ZERO). My Wii died shortly after beating this game, it is currently sent to Nintendo for repair. I don't blame it for not wanting to be used anymore after that crap. Stay far away.
PS – This game is not at all related to the Bit.Trip games, so do not be fooled by that. Those games are amazing, and I will post reviews for that upon return of my Wii from Nintendo.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Review: Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (XBLA) Review 8-2-2009
This version is the same gameplay wise as the Dreamcast version but everything is unlocked right away, for better or worse. A big part of the Dreamcast version was to play the game and earn points to use in the shop to unlock more characters, alternate colors for characters, and stages. While that fun is gone in this version, it means you can jump right into the fights with everyone and enjoy.
There are a couple other differences than its Dreamcast cousin as well. First of all the backgrounds are now in full HD since they were made in that resolution to begin with. This means that they look the best they ever have, but unfortunately the sprites have not been redone so while they always have looked worse than the backgrounds, now they look even worse. There are a few filters that you can use to try to make them look a bit smoother but don't expect anything like BlazBlue or Street Fighter HD Remix. Everything is also 16x9 (widescreen) now for the backgrounds but the gameplay still remains in the original 4x3 setup. What this means is gameplay has not changed, you will not be able to completely move to the outter edges and attack animations will cut off at the sides. It is nothing major and one would be hard pressed to notice it for the most part.
The major addition to this version is the online play. With this addition you may be happy all characters are available so you can jump right in. As with most online games on the 360 there are player matches as well as ranked matches and the player matches host lobbies with up to 6 players. As with most fighting games there was some lag at time but if you link up with someone with a good connection you can get some great fights going.
Overall this is a great 2D fighting game to keep you playing for sometime and is well worth the $15 asking price especially when you consider the Xbox and PS2 versions were going for $80 on eBay recently. To add to value of sorts, if you get all games released during the Summer of Arcade you will get 800 points back. This is week 2, with last week being 'Splosion Man (review coming soon) so they are on their way to making that a worthy deal. The rest of the games coming out seem to be worth it from what I've read, but expect full reviews as they are released. If you'd like to pick up some Microsoft Points at a slight discount, feel free to check out My Store and I can just e-mail you the code if you'd like to save on shipping and get the code faster.
I will update the review once the Playstation 3 version is out so I can compare. I will also add info on achievements/trophies.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Minor update
My goal is to provide a site with a constant stream of reviews for games and movies, and maybe once in a while if something strikes me enough I can do music and comics as well. We are in a time of economic recession and I know sometimes people look for games at a good price, and may go back to older games they missed out on. I know I am that type of gamer, so I can try to focus on the "budget gamer." Sometimes reviews of a 3 year old game can praise it, but then when you go to play it now, it isn't as good as they said because things have changed in the industry since then. I will also try to post if ever I know of any good deals going on, and will also link to my own store on Amazon if ever I have a game for sale that I am reviewing.
I will also try my best to update reviews for games that may change due to patches and expansions. If a game evolves, so should a review. Read SOCOM PS3 reviews and it will say it is unplayable and needs patching, but those patches have happened. There are lots of cool free online games that are always updating as well. You get the idea.
Finally, most people like free stuff, so I will also hold contests and have prizes. All the details of which I am still working out, but I will definitely do something. At the very least I can setup discounts on my Amazon store as well.
So there you have it, what this site will be about. Let me know what YOU want though. I have my first review up as sort of a taste, what did you think? Too long? Do you want long and short versions of reviews? Do you want a grading system? What games or movies do you want reviewed? Whatever it is you're looking for, let me know and I will do my best to do so. I can take the criticism too, it's the only way I can make things better. Also, yes, I know this is just a blog for now but once things grow a bit I will try my best to make it more of a "real" site. Until then, post those comments, send those IMs and e-Mails, send that Xbox Live request...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My First Review: Wanted - Weapons of Fate
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (PS3) review 7-29-2009
Wanted was a movie based on a comic book released in 2008 to mixed reviews. Some didn't like how over the top it was or how it strayed from the comic source it came from. There is one thing that those that cared could agree on though, it would make a really sweet video game. One problem though, 99% of games based on comic books or movies suck, and this is based on BOTH. Well, I say that, while flawed, this is that 1% that's enjoyable.
For this review I played the Playstation 3 version of the game. I own a 360 and usually get multiplatform games for it, but I had an extra copy from my store (more on that later) that was going unsold and I figured I could use the Trophies (you will learn that I am an achievement/trophy whore that will try to get as many as I can). More on the differences between the two system versions and trophies later on.
So why is this the 1%? What makes it different? Well, first of all they were smart and did not rush the game to make sure it was out in time for a theatrical or DVD release. They waited until the game was done and ready before putting it out there and it shows. The game is very similar to other 3rd person action games like Gears of War or even the other “movie game” Stranglehold. You run around and shoot people or do instant close combat kills. Instead of having you recreate the events of the movie it is actually a sequel of sorts starting right after the end of the movie and going from there, although there are some flashbacks where you play as your father in various missions throughout his career. You can take cover like Gears of War, and although a bit uninspired there, it just leads to a lot of fun that lets you enjoy while you're furthering the story. You can also do “bullet time” type moves where you can shoot bullets out of the air like in the movie and can do the signature bullet curving as well. And as with most games of this type, to do these cool moves you have to build up a meter and each one uses up a different amount of the meter. Again, it may not be the most innovative, but they are going with the philosophy of “if it ain't broke don't fix it.” The developers at GRIN decided to take aspects of various games that work, and put them together into a game that is very enjoyable to play for fans of the movie. On a side note, for fans of the comic you can unlock and use the costume used in that as well, but it comes later in the game which there isn't as much left to it.
Which brings me to my next point: completion time. This is not a long game. There are 3 difficulty levels; Pussy, Assassin, and Killer. Killer was initially locked, so I started on Assassin and made it through the game in roughly 6 hours. I didn't have much trouble getting through most of it, but I enjoyed it the whole time. Some may see this short time as a good thing, some bad. It means the story doesn't drag and it means that the gameplay doesn't get stale, but it also means that if you're looking for a long game, you won't get it here. On the plus side for longevity though, there are a bunch of unlockables and alternate modes. As I mentioned before, the hardest difficulty is something that is initially locked, but you can earn it by completely the game on Assassin (the equivalent of “normal” in other games). On top of that, you also unlock Headshot Mode where you have to get a certain number of headshots before completing a level or it will restart. There is also close combat mode which you have to do a certain number of close combat kills, much like how Headshot mode works. So, if going for a new challenge in a game you've already completed is something you look for, this game has it. If not, and you feel you've already seen what you care about, keep that in mind. On top of the modes you can also unlock alternate characters to play as such as Cross, The Immortal, or even your old boss. These characters do not play any different at all, do not have any different animations or voice work, but it's something different at least.
Speaking of voice work, it is top notch in this game. They couldn't get James McAvoy or Morgan Freeman to do their voices in the game, but the people that they got did a damn fine job or sounding a lot like them, especially the guy playing Wesley. The rest of the characters are well done with some other actors coming from the movie such as Terence Stamp and Common. The likenesses are very close as well, which helps even more when hearing a voice. Overall great presentation to the game that isn't too heavy on the cut-scenes so you can just enjoy the gameplay, but enough to break it up a bit to prevent it from being monotonous.
I mentioned before Trophies and Achievements. They are the same for both systems, and I did not get all of them, but gave it the ol' college try anyway, and I had a lot of fun for the ones I did. They have the usual ones like beating a certain “act” on the different difficulty levels which is why I did that, and then they have one for beating headshot mode, and one for close combat, so again, that's why I did those modes. In the days before achievements I probably would have just said “no thanks” and had been done with the game, but would have also complained about how short it was. These trophies kept me playing a game I enjoyed and I had fun earning them. Now I felt like it was still worth the money, and frankly had the game been any longer I probably wouldn't have wanted to go through it as many times as I did (which remember is four times). They also had some items hidden throughout the game that you could hunt down to unlock things like concept art and photos of the programmers, but I am not a fan of scavenger hunts in games, so I did not get those. For those into that though, it's there. My favorites though were they had 2 trophies setup for laughs: one where you kill your girlfriend, and one where you kill your boss. They are hidden in 2 different levels and if you find them you can take them out for the achievements. It does not affect the game in any way or unlock anything else, but funny to see that Wesley gets the last laugh in the end.
Enough with the praise though, onto the issues. I did mention game length which can go either way, but there were other things in the game I didn't care for as much. For starters, there is no option to run. For a game so much like Gears of War with the cover system, you'd think they'd also have a run/sprint move to get to places. There are times I wanted to get to cover or at least away from fire and my guy moved too slow to do so. That's not to say he feels like a turtle, but sometimes you want that extra boost. Also, I felt this weird kind of “acceleration” when aiming. What I mean is that I will have my hand steady in a certain spot on the analog stick trying to turn for example, and instead of staying at a constant speed it would start speeding up (or as I said before, accelerating) which lead to me wildly aiming way more often that I would have liked. I am not new to these kinds of games, so I know it wasn't just how I was playing. I also had found quite a few bugs for a game that was in no rush to get out. Things like bodies getting stuck in walls (including me as the player to the point where I had to reset the game) were common place as well as stuttering animations. Finally, I felt that although there was a good mix in gameplay and what you could do in the game with the curved bullets, human shields, and the occational QTE (Quick Time Event, this time full controlable more along the lines of a light gun shooter), you didn't get to do them much. The airplane level (which you can play in the demo mind you) is easily the best level of the game because it has a little bit of everything. It is very inspired with it's moveable cover (the food carts) and having to shoot your way up a plane that is going down, but most of the time the levels felt kind of the same with you going 2 or 3 levels before you could move other cover, and same for the QTEs.
Most people always ask me for my opinion on which system they should get a game for if they have more than one. The differences between the two versions of Wanted for consoles were minimal (I have not played the PC version so I can't comment on that). Having played the demo of the Xbox version I can say that the controls felt exactly the same, and load times seemed about the same as well (although that was loading off of a hard drive vs. a disc). The achievements and trophies are exactly the same on both, although the PS3 version does have the “platinum” trophy if you get them all. The PS3 does also have a short installation that is required before you can play that will take up a small portion of your hard drive space that isn't in the Xbox 360 version. Graphically (again, judging Xbox 360 demo vs. retail PS3 so could be different) they seem to be about the same with the PS3 version looking a bit brighter with more of the “bloom” effect used when it's a daytime outdoor level. Everything is minor, they are basically the same so I say go for the version that you need more achievements/trophies if you care, or which controller is most comfortable to you (or whatever is cheaper).
Overall, it's well worth playing, and now that it has been out for a bit you can get it rather cheap. In this economy saving money is always a good thing, and you could certainly spend a lot more on a worse game. The demo is also available on both the Xbox Live Marketplace and the Playstation Store. The game currently runs for less than $30 on
So that's it for my first review. Thoughts? Let me know what you all would like and I will do my best to have a site you will all enjoy reading. Have any questions or comments feel free to leave comments on this blog, IM me, or send me an e-mail.
This is just the intro... for now
/ˈhɑrdˈkɔr, -ˈkoʊr/

1. | unswervingly committed; uncompromising; dedicated: a hard-core segregationist. |
2. | pruriently explicit; graphically depicted: hard-core pornography. |
3. | being so without apparent change or remedy; chronic: hard-core inflation; hard-core unemployment. |
I choose to start my first blog with a definition of hardcore. There are multiple definitions as you can see, and I am referring to the first, not the 2nd (although there is a lot of that on the internet already and I'd make way more money with that... well, maybe not me). My blog name refers to how I am no longer among the group labeled as "hardcore gamers." I thought about making it "X-Hardcore" or "XXX-Hardcore" to make a joke... but is it worth renaming for one joke to make in the first post? I know everyone is blogging now, most of which that have nothing important to say, but a lot of things have come up in conversation with some friends lately. Are these things important? No, but oh well, who cares. These multiples conversions of me as a gamer. Not just any kind of a gamer, but a HARDCORE gamer. I have become a measurement among friends and family for various things gaming related because I am the "hardcore gamer." But I'm not anymore. I was, but now not so much. I recently lost my job and have been gaming a lot more than before, but still cannot consider myself hardcore. I think that I'm in between a hardcore gamer and a casual gamer (does that make me a tween?). These people in my life want to know my opinion on things, and I plan to use this space for just that. I will mostly do review for games (and movies, my other love in life) so now I can just tell them "go to my blog" instead of repeating myself to them all.
Why do you care? Well, I think this is an ever growing group of people. See I used to be the guy that had to buy every system as it came out (I may still own them all, but I don't rush like I used to). I used to be the guy that would import tons of games from Japan even though I have no knowledge of the Japanese language (I still import, but not anywhere near as much as I did before). I used to be the guy that would buy games that no one had ever heard of, and then praise about to them to anyone who would listen (OK, I'm still that guy). But now I'm a guy that finds himself closing in on 30 and engaged to be married, and wanting to take the time to do other things. We all have to grow up, but not totally, right?
I still have a massive game collection and will still continue to play them until my arthritic hands no longer let me (I pray that mind controllers come out by then), but which I play are changing. I know this is getting long winded, but hey, it's my first post, and things will pick up from here, I promise. Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. Hate it, love it, suggestions, what you want to see more of, less of, ANY of. Let me know, I can take it.